What Is Collagen and Do We Really Need It ?

What Is Collagen and Do We Really Need It ?

Recently I had a friend ask me how the collagen I sell on my website compares to other brands. I looked at the website containing the product she was referring to and began to read their information. I was so happy to find out I agree with all of their information. 

I decided to further investigate, research and write a blog about my findings so all of you might be able to gain knowledge about collagen peptides and the benefits it offers, right along with me.I

I tried to stay away from the studies that private companies selling a product claimed, as those results can be inflated, one sided and often times confusing as they try to cut their competitors down.  Instead I looked at medical pages, and studies done in controlled groups and health study websites. 

Collagen is a type of protein, it accounts for approx 30% of our body's total protein. It is the main building block for our skin, muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, hair, and nails. It is also found in our organs, blood vessels, cartilage and intestinal lining. Think of it kind of like the "Elmer's glue" of our grade school projects so many years ago. It's there in, and being produced by our bodies, to keep us "glued together" 

There are officially 28 different types of collagen  however type 1 accounts for 90% of the collagen in our human bodies. TYPE 1 and 3 are two of the things we're looking for in a good supplement. 

As we age, connective tissues called fibroblasts become impaired and slow down resulting in our collagen production as a whole slowing down as well. 

The loss of collagen plus the loss of elastin which is another key structural protein,  leads to the signs of aging we all see taking place through visible wrinkles, dry and sagging skin. It also reduces the strength in our bones. 

Health care workers use collagen daily in collagen based materials and products to treat wounds, burns and ulcers caused from issues with diabetes. Clearly the correct kind of collagen is a good thing. 

Cosmetic companies also use collagen products in things like moisturizers and serums. 

Collagen loss and damage is going to happen to each one of us as we age. That is part of the aging process. However there are certain things that can accelerate this process causing us to look and feel significantly older than we are. 

Smoking wreaks all sorts of havoc on our skin. Wrinkles and loss of elasticity become very visible, very early on. 

Excessive consumption of alcohol reduces collagen production. 

High sugar and processed foods can interfere with collagens ability to interact with the surrounding cells and proteins. 

Excessive exposure to the sun can also complicate and degrade collagen production.  This does not mean ' "no sun " this means just what it says, "excessive" and "over exposure" to the sun for hours and hours everyday with out protection and or good healthy breaks during the harshest sun of the day. As a whole, our bodies do need sun and day light to help us regulate lots of different functions.  I'll do another blog about sunlight. For now we are going to stick to the subject at hand.... Collagen... 

Collagen is found in all animals. It has concentrated amounts in some parts of the animals. 

Here is a list for some collagen rich foods. 

Bones, skin, and ligaments of animals such as chicken skin and pig knuckle. Certain types of seafood like fish skin and jellyfish.  That was a complete new spot of info for me. I have never heard of people consuming jellyfish.  Bone broth is also another great source for collagen. 

Eating adequate amounts of protein everyday from sources like poultry, fish, beans, and eggs will help tremendously with your natural collagen production and maintenance. 

Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis so ensuring you have enough vitamin C is also crucial.  So eat plenty of fruits and veggies just like our moms told us to. Even if they didn't know the scientific reasons or purposes, they still knew it and said it.  Citrus, peppers, all sorts of greens and of course berries are also on this list. 

All of this being said, is it really necessary to take a collagen supplement?

I venture to guess that there have been thousands of studies all of whom claim they know the most and are the most accurate with results. However, a synopsis of all of those studies seems to say the following.... YES. Do you have to? NO. Does your body have it's own source of collagen? YES. Does it start to break down as we age? YES. Is it wise to take a collagen supplement? YES, especially if you are a women over 50. 

Yes, taking a collagen supplement is proving to be very beneficial in hydrating our skin, the elasticity and wrinkles improve, lessen and become less apparent and extreme.  And just wait til you read what it does for our bones. 

Hydrolyzed collagen is simply collagen put through a process called hydrolysis which breaks down the collagen into smaller pieces making it easier for our bodies to absorb and benefit from. So that is definitely one thing to look for when searching for the best supplements and options out there. HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN.

Looking for the collagen that has "TYPE 1 and 3 " is also important. 

PASTURE RAISED, GRASS FED, BOVINE SOURCED, COLLAGENS are your purest and healthiest forms when it comes to the supplements we take.  ALL of those key ingredients are good things to look for when finding the supplement for you.

Collagen has also shown great improvements in post menopausal women and their bone density. 

One study showed they had 102 women with reduced bone density due to aging in the group. Those who consistently took 5 grams of collagen peptides per day for one year had significant INCREASES of BMD in their spine and femur bones compared to the participants who did not take it. WOW! and increase? So it was showing it repaired and replaced. Super awesome news . 

After those women kept taking this collagen dose of 5 grams daily, for a total of 4 years, they had not only significant increases but progressive increases in their bone density. Also taking this regularly was shown to reduce pain, stiffness and other side effects of osteoarthritis. UMMMMM 100 steps beyond awesome.  (The source for this informational study was found on healthline.com ) 

The key words here are collagen of course, but also CONSISTENTLY. Yes consistence  is most definitely the one thing that can and will define the type of results you're hoping and looking for when taking collagen. Mixed with other actions as well, such as eating right, exercise, the consistency of taking collagen peptides is going be your friend. 

There really are no known side effects for taking collagen, however if you are pregnant, nursing or on other medications please speak with your DR before adding in other supplements and herbs. Sometimes those additional things can cause side effects or reduced effectiveness to one another. 

You can support your own body's production of collagen by ensuring your diet is up to par. Eating lots of high quality proteins vitamins D and C, calcium and zinc. 

Adding good physical exercise routine to your good eating habits, especially weight bearing and resistance training will be a great boost to your own body production of collagen and your over all health inside and out. 

I hope this was as enlightening and informative for you as it has been for me. 

I have been taking a collagen peptide supplement now for almost a month. I started seeing some small changes and benefits with the appearance of my skin. I have noticed an improvement with my energy and my level of focus. For me thus far, it is enough that I am excited to continue using this supplement daily. 

Although I do sell a Collagen Peptide Supplement here on my website and I would love for you to purchase from me, I am not claiming that any other company or source is "bad" for you or "not ok" to take.

I wrote this blog so everyone reading it can make an educated and knowledge based decision for themselves on who they want to purchase from. There are many good sources for many healthy supplements and vitamins out there to choose from and I am  only 1 of those sources. 

I support, encourage and thank anybody out there who's intent it is to help others while still trying to support their own lives and health. We're all here to help one another succeed whom ever we may be. I wish for you all, health and happiness as you progress on your own pathway and journey through life.

Please share this information with others who may be seeking to find a healthier, better path in their own lives.


Sources for information shared in this article come from clevelandclinic.org 

healthline.com and several other sources found through research and study online. 







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