Comfrey The Ancient Forgotten Herb

Comfrey The Ancient Forgotten Herb

Comfrey is an ancient herb. It has been used for hundreds and hundreds of years. 

Just like all herbs, comfrey is not without it's risks. You must take note and educate yourself on it's current and past uses.

Our ancestors used this both internally and externally for all sorts of infections, pain, inflammation, healing wounds quickly, swelling and bruising.  We have learned that taken internally, comfrey is NOT SAFE. So ignore anyone that tries to convince you that taking comfrey internally is a good idea. It is not. 

HOWEVER.... Used correctly,         

Comfrey contains allantoin which helps skin cells grow and regenerate connective tissues, bones and cartilage. 

Because of this and other chemicals within the plant, roots, leaves and flowers, comfrey is an unbelievable, magical healer provided by mother earth. 

It has been used for things such as......

                                                                                                                                            Cracked, sore ,dry feet and hands, eczema, acne, sprains, broken bones, rheumatic issues, arthritis, tendonitis, carpel tunnel, swelling and inflammation. It has also been used for foot and hand pain, back and neck issues, achy shoulders, knees, rashes,  burns, pulled and torn muscles, stiffness, skin problems and recovering from surgery. This miraculous plant is truly an unbelievable, renewable, resource that grows right here in North America. 

Comfrey is used by turning it into a poultice, liniment, salve, cream, ointment, or oil. 

The comfrey plant grows very large and can fill in bare, empty areas of your yard. It is a perennial so it will return year after year. It is a beautiful luscious plant to watch grow. It grows tall, big around, and quickly. The roots also spread over time helping to ensure the plants survival. 

Every part of the plant is used from the roots, stems, leaves and the flowers.  It is one of the first plants to show new growth each spring and as such is a great pollinator for our friendly bees.  

Comfrey is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY.  Apply it to affected areas in whatever form you have chosen, frequently for first 2-3 days rubbing and massaging in thoroughly. Then continue until your desired results have been obtained and back off to what your body is telling you, you need.  Do not use for more than 2 weeks with out taking a break for a few days. 

Yes, you are you're own best judge when it comes to your health. Of course it's always wise to listen to what others say of their own personal experiences, along with your own research and study to make the best practices for treatments. 

Always talk with your Dr about anything to do with your health to ensure everything is safe for you.  

NEVER use Comfrey products if you are pregnant or nursing or if you have liver function issues without first consulting your Dr's. 


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